Friday, November 21, 2008

Do it Now!

What is the first sign that you are stressed out?


Have you ever wondered how your house or office got so cluttered? It seems to happen over night and doesn't catch our attention until one day we put one more piece of paper on top of a pile and the whole thing ends up on the floor. Our frustration level is elevated and the next thing you know you are stressed out... frazzled.

At this point you have a choice, to pick up the mess or leave it for later.

Oh, the dreaded procrastination bug. It happens to all of us. Our lives are so jam packed and full of so many things that we often fool ourselves into gaining "time" when in actuality we are creating more stress by not cleaning up our mess right away.

A remedy to clutter is as soon as you make a mess, take the 30 - 60 seconds and DO IT NOW!

The added benefit of doing something now instead of later is you earn a sense of accomplishment, which makes you feel good and keeps the clutter magnet from ever gaining power.

Keeping little tasks in our mind is clutter and keeps us from achieving our greatness.

Save yourself some aggravation, do it now!